Yours Products 2017-11-08T12:01:12+00:00

Many rely on ITAPACK solutions, worldwide procurement teams appreciate the range of solutions. From primary labeling to secondary packaging with handle applicators and multipacking machines.



The stretch sleeve label is made of a tube of linear low density polyethylene (LDPE) film with elastic properties. It allows a 360-degree graphic coverage with a maximum brand recognition , it does not require any glue application or heat process to fit the bottle shape. Easy handling allows high precision and repeatability of the application on flat or conical surface , quickly change format operations are available to run many formats.
Stretch Sleeve is an eco-friendly decoration solution, the carbon footprint is smaller than other labeling systems,  the LDPE film has a low density allowing easy and cleaner separation, supporting PET bottle-to-bottle recycling. Seeing that no adhesive and ink bleeding is involved during the recycling process an excellent R-PET can be obtained. Stretch sleeves also offer significant energy and efficiency savings resulting from a leaner, cleaner application process (no shrink tunnel, no bottle drying).

The sleeve can be applied on a wide range of containers : PET,PE,PVC, HDPE , glass , metal barrels, drums etc. , either wet or dry, empty or filled . On cylinders containers (beer kegs) where humid conditions or special surfaces the stretch sleeve result an excellent labeling choice . An increased flexibility and reduced storage costs are experienced on the reusable metal barrel where several possible decorations are possible.

Complex shaped containers can be decorating seeing the sleeve conforms tightly to the shape. In addition the film is able to expand or contract with the container (is ideal for squeezable bottles and carbonated beverages) always fitting the flush and also to stabilize and counteract bottle distortion.
The stretch sleeve offers a great external agents resistance avoiding the damage typical on containers for chemicals when using traditional labels. They are moisture-proof and a high resistance to light and temperature for long lasting shelf appeal.

10-color flexographic printing on clear or opaque film , specialty and metallic inks, coating or lamination that  protects the printing against friction and runs. An high graphics impact is obtained offering colors and line screen to manage the choose and increase the final. On clear film a “no label look” sleeve is available for a special bottle brand. Surface and reverse printing is available to protect the label from spray or leakage. An extended printing area permits to get a high level of regulatory requirement.


The practical method to get multiple products with an attractive stretch sleeve decoration: a strong system for 2 to 4 bottle multi-packs.
The stretch sleeve label is made of a tube of linear low density polyethylene (LDPE) film with elastic properties. It allows a 360-degree graphic coverage with a maximum brand recognition, it does not require any glue application or heat process.
It also offers customers the ability to mix product types/categories, which is popular in promotional campaigns for new products. In addition the system can be completed with the adhesive handle maximising the product appearance and getting a much easy carrying.


Easy to grab -Easy to lift up -Easy to carry. The application of the handles has a key role in the MMR logistic management and highlights the product’s appearance defining the consumer’s choice. The packages with handle is easy to grab, lift, hold and carry . It improves comfort, customer experience, brand and product communication, logistics operations, product differentiation, sales, customer-care perceptive
For the beverages industry , specially on mineral water 6pack, the self adhesive handle is now a STANDARD demand and ITAPACK gets THE FASTEST HANDLE APPLYING MACHINES AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET! In addition, Itapack provides specific solutions for any packaging formats or special customer’s requirements.
ITAPACK helps customers choose the most suitable equipment for his own needs, according to the speed of application and the type of application (application on the top of the packaging, on the side, and so on) or other relevant technical elements.


Easily snaps on to neck of the bottle to safely lift and carry it with one hand.   Handle is very rugged and safe and can hold full 6, 5 or 3 gallon  . The system can be utized on empty bottles or already filled capped and labeled. Cost-effective in-line equipment that runs with minimum downtime and maintenance. The plastic clip is widely available in various colours and specifications.



High speed machines are required on the cans production lines. The cans handled packaging is easy to grab, lift, and carry, but also improves comfort, customer experience, brand and product communication, logistics operations, product differentiation, sales (more packages in the hands and impulse buying effect). The self-adhesive carry handle can be applied on the top of the small packs as 2×2 ,3×2 of various shapes, dimensions and contours (TOP HANDLE) , and on the side of a wide range of multi-packs, such as 6×4-8×4 (SIDE HANDLE)
Handle Arc Shaping impact is very important for the FLAT TOP packs and on the SIDE HANDLE: by creating a gap between the pack’s surface and the handle loop, allows for an easy grip for those pack formats .



The brick container is a light, strong air tight packaging material that is the ideal for the liquid packaging. These features offers great advantages for the transportation and storage . The self adhesive carry handle add a great value on the multiple sales, highlights the product’s appearance defining the consumer choice and speeds up shelf replenishment for the retailer. The carry handle is suitable for any kind and shape of multipack in shrink film or in wrap-around multipacks.

Applying a tape-carry handle on a carton box requires great attention, and HANDLE ARC SHAPE must be assured creating a gap between the pack’s top and the handle loop, allowing an easy grip.


Packaging has become itself a sales promotion tool. The consumer’s buying behavior also stimulated by the packaging quality, color, wrapper, and other innovative that may add value to the products if it meets the consumer needs such as easy-open ,easy-store- easy carry . The Multibrick packaging systems presents all these features: a smart&easy solution for grouping 2-3-4 bricks with printed or transparent adhesive tape. A self adhesive carry handle can complete the pack configuration. An high reliable adhesive tape is utilized for this application, very strong but easy to remove, it can be printed to reinforce brand communication or to promote special marketing campaign.



Tissue papers are considered a consumer staple and this category has been evolving along with changes in consumer preferences and buying behaviour. Packaging is directly impacted by these changes. Proved product quality, enhanced packaging design and different pack size options are considered key enablers for the success. ITAPACK proposes the self adhesive handle: a very easy system to add value to the packages optimizing carrying for the consumer and, shelf space at the retailer stores
The new production lines requires very high speed and also a strictly comply with the principles of sustainability through numerous channell which includes a reduction in packages film thickness. ITAPACKS meets all the customers requirements with a high speed performant machine and accurate application technologies. The carry handle can be applied on various package formats: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large rolls and folded tissue


An innovative and easy secondary packaging to group folded products including napkins, towels, facial tissue and cloths . As alternative to the film wrapping and/or cardboard machines , the ITAPACK system realizes grouping from 2 packs (up to 4 packs) , by mean the application of self adhesive tape. A special and reliable tape is utilized, very easy to remove and printable, usefully to reinforce brand communication or to promote special marketing campaign. In alternative precut labels in rolls can be utilized to group the packs.
A self adhesive carry handle can complete the pack configuration. Extremely flexible collections that are compatible with all the end of line configurations.